Because people matter.

How We Help

We make kindness cool again.

Our Approach

Our people-based experiences are interactive, safe spaces where participants engage in real conversations. We focus on inclusivity by tailoring each session to fully embrace the styles and values of each organization, team, and individual. Some of our workshops are large gatherings, some are one-on-one sessions, and, through this intricate, innovative approach, all of them encourage and challenge participants in ways that drive lasting behavioral change.

Three Kindnesses™

Everyone desires a safe, inclusive workplace culture, but many leaders are so busy managing conflict and merely maintaining the status quo that finding the time and right resources can be overwhelming. Let’s change that.

The Three Kindnesses methodology is centered around three foundational cultural components that every organization needs in order to be truly successful: safety, empathy, and diversity. Whether you are addressing low employee engagement, endless internal conflict, high turnover, or tension in your organizational values, our methodology addresses each of these issues at a root-cause level. Using a holistic approach, we partner with leaders and their teams to help them understand the why behind the who, the intention behind the behavior.

Kindness moves us from good intentions to appropriate interventions. We do that by making people feel safe, connecting deeply with them through empathy, and honoring their unique wiring, skills, and lived experiences.

CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED (Three Kindnesses website)

Diversity & Inclusion (D&I)

We believe in diverse, inclusive, and equitable environments. Studies show that actively inclusive workplaces are exponentially more successful than those that are passive. Our D&I programs empower leaders, teams, and individuals to build trust and awareness around key diversity & inclusion concepts including unconscious bias, empathy, and allyship. We get real and go deep, allowing participants to open up, get to know each other at a deeper level, and challenge their internal perceptions and convictions. Participants leave with an actionable foundation upon which to continue the individual and organizational D&I journey.

Topics include:
•Gender Equality in the Workplace
•How to be a Good Ally
•“I’m woke! …now what?”


Leadership Development

We believe that true leaders include, challenge, inspire others to greatness. Whether you lead a team of one or an organization of thousands, leadership is not a formula. Our leadership development and executive coaching programs utilize a holistic approach to understanding yourself and the needs of those you influence in a way that boosts individual strengths, minimizes common derailers, and provides a path to continuous internal growth to drive lasting results.

Topics include:
•Hogan Assessments
•Executive Coaching
•Talent Selection


Organizational Health & Effectiveness

We believe that when employees can and want to do their best work, everybody benefits. Creating environments that generate long-term individual and company success requires intentional and impactful talent management strategies and solutions that address the entire employee life cycle. Our organizational health and effectiveness programs consider the unique needs and challenges of organizations and teams and connect those with meaningful, lasting solutions that reach to the heart of what motivates people to be their best and bring their best.

Topics include:
•Conflict Resolution
•Cross-Generational Communication & Collaboration
•Behavioral Styles
•Professional Presence
•Values-based Leadership
•Building and Maintaining Effective Teams


Certifications include:

•Hogan Assessments: HPI, HDS, MVPI
•VitalSmarts: Crucial Conversations, Crucial Accountability, and Getting Things Done (GTD)
•Insights Discovery
•Everything DiSC: A Wiley Brand
•CoreStrengths (SDI)